I need a pause button!

Boy has time just continued to fly by! I feel like I just sat down a few days ago to write my last post about our moving news. Um…NO! It’s been almost a month! EEK! So much has gone on in this last month, and I would love to sit down and break all the big things into separate posts, but, let’s face it. I don’t really have time for that. So, I’ll just give you all a brief run down of everything!

Let’s start with 3 weeks ago – My brother graduated Air Force Bootcamp (AF BMT is what they call it.) It was such a wonderful experience to get to go and watch. I find it fascinating just how different every branch of service does their graduation ceremonies. The Air Force is actually the only branch of service that allows for family and friends to attend the actually graduation. All other branches just allow spectators for the parade and the actual “graduation” is done in the days leading up to the parade. Then there is the actualy parade for the Air Force graduation. I only have the Navy bootcamp graduation to judge it to so it was a completly different experience. The Air Force actually quite a bit of marching whereas the Navy stands still for the majority of theirs. I’m a tad biased and really love the Navy parade (pass-in-review) but the Air Force parade/graduation was definitely something to see. Ok, forget all the formalities. Seeing my brother finally reach his goal was such a wonderful feeling! He was so happy and he appeared to have grown up so much just in those eight weeks. It was great to see that this was something that he really needed and wanted to do. He is now off to his tech school already and is doing great. I’m trying to convince him to request to be stationed up by us for his next part of tech school or his first base but we will see.

Now let’s fast foward a couple days. Munchkin got to take a plane ride to Georgia! And she LOVED it! The only time that she was bad that day was when we weren’t getting on the plane fast enough! I was so proud of her, especially because I know the behavior that she is capable of. The next few days we spent just hanging out at my mom’s house. I had to get some things planned for the upcoming move. We did learn that we are unable to stay at home until this summer like I was hoping. We could stay, but we would be stuck paying for housing for home out of pocket and we just don’t make enough money for all of that. It’s ok though. I had somewhat been mentally preparing for that in the back of my mind but I have quickly learned that it wasn’t enough preparation by any means. We did manange to get housing set up and our shipments scheduled. At the end of the week, we headed to Florida to watch my wonderful husband graduate from A-school!!! I was so proud of him! He graduated with honors and he really deserved it! Munchkin did so good at his graduation and my baby brother and baby sister were able to come to his graduation as well! We hadn’t seen them in over a year so it was a wonderful surprise. I really wish we could have spent more time with them but I will take every second I can get.

Following graduation, we headed back to Georgia, and Texas, with my hubby in tow! He was able to get on the same flight as us which really helped with taking care of munchkin. And he was able to spend 1 1/2 weeks with us! He participated in RAP duty here at home which is a great program. For those with loved ones new to the Navy, I highly recommend RAP duty. This is a program your loved one can participate in following A-school that allows them to come home and not have to take claim leave for five days. The only requirement is that they work at their recruiting station during those five days. My husband really enjoyed it and so did we. While he was home, we managed to get some things done for the move. The most important thing was that we sold our house! It wasn’t pretty but we are out from under it and that is what matters most!

Now, the husband is up in Maryland and we are still home preparing for our move. We have less than three weeks until the movers come and around three weeks until we head north. Of course, we will be going to spend time with some family before we leave. But for now, I am stuck stressing about everything! We do have our house that hubby has moved into, although he has no furniture. But it’s better than paying for a hotel the whole time. Now we just need to get through these next few weeks and we will be good to go. I pray I don’t totally lose it between now and then!

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