Reality is setting in


Yep. The above image says it all. It’s the only thing that comes to mind when I think of moving. And that is terrifying me more than I realize! I loathe packing. And I really don’t know why. Maybe it’s the fact that I have to go through everything and learn just how much of a pack rat I really am. I know I need to start going through things and getting rid of a lot of junk but I just can’t. What if I need it? What if Matt or munchkin need it? What if we have more kids? What if I lose the weight to wear it again? All of these things start flying through my head any time I start thinking about packing. It’s a little scary how much my brain is against this.

So now I need to find a way to tell my brain to just shut up and get out of my way so I can get stuff done. Even though I have no idea when we will be departing, I have to be prepared for everything. And by everything, I mean that they may not let us stay here longer and allow Matt to live in a dorm.

Ok…I need a plan! My first plan of action is to start a PCS binder to make sure I have everything I need. I have been told that this is the best thing to have. So, this weekend I will be purchasing a binder and some tabs and getting ready to be organized! I have a feeling the prep work for this move is going to be beyond time consuming. Oh well! Hope my work doesn’t mind. 🙂

Alright. Fingers crossed that I can get my brain to shut up and that I can get organized! And here’s to hoping we hear from Matt’s new command soon! The waiting and not knowing is the worst!

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